Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Single Awareness Day

Today is Valentine's day if you haven't already been bombarded by hearts and commercials and the like.
I'm not upset, or bitter, just a little confused.
Ok maybe a little bitter, but there's a reason behind this.
I had made some plans with my best friend who happens to be the only friend within walking distance of my house to have a "Single Party" however, he decided that he doesn't want to spend Valentine's Day with me, which I understand. It's ok everythings fine. but no
English homework, "Be someone's Valentine"

Mr.Mohan I can't do this, you know who I am.
"Whatever, it's homework."
Blast my perfectionist ways that make me do all my homework.

So, not only am I left without a Valentine, but I also need to get one for English.
I'm used to not having a Valentine, I'm going 14 of 15 Valentine's Days Valentine-less, I can deal with it.
So what am I left with?
An F and hopeless??
Which is why I am asking my Xbox 360 to be my Valentine.

"Wow, Molly, That's really sad."
Will your Valentine let you play with it all day long? Thought so.
I will have a picture up later of me and my hot date. Awww yeaaahhh

Monday, January 30, 2012


I don't even know what I'm doing at this point, but I have nothing better to do.
I have another blog buddy! It's at http://fuzzfiles.blogspot.com/ and in one post he dared me to write a story about Monday. Consider this challenge accepted! (plus I don't mind harsh criticism)

A light breeze blew in from the open window, the cool spring air tickling Kidman's nose. His eyes opened and glanced out the window. The wind-chime made out of scratched CDs clacked, a smile spreading on the child's face. He rolled over and looked at the clock. 12:07. He made a noise of approval as he flopped onto his back and stared at the speckled ceiling. After thinking about going back to sleep, he rolled onto his side, a large pile of tainted clothing obstructing his vision.
"Honey, you need to get up, do you not notice all that garbage in your room?" His mother peeled the spotted sheets off of him and attempted to put more dirty clothes into his hamper. 
"I was gonna do that," He pushed himself off the bed and stacked the clothes into a holdable pile. Mother dearest nodded and grabbed whatever clothing fell on the long trek to the laundry room. Open the door, put clothes in, close door, add soap, add softener, wait for ding-er. Kidman pulled his phone out of his pocket and started texting.
>>To: Rich>> i'm doing laundry SMS
A mop was shoved into his face, which continued to contort as he realized what had just happened. A simple laundry day had become a clean up day. The sound of the mop smacking against the vinyl floor calmed him a bit. A vibration in his pants distracted him.
<<Received From: Rich<< SMS? what? I don't speak the teenager, young'un.
A snort erupted from Kidman as his finger tapped the screen
>>To: Rich>> "save my sanity" and change laundry to cleaning a house. come over
His fingers curled around the mop handle, his arms failing around. The floor wasn't being cleaned, but more of dampened.
<<Received From: Rich<< I'll be over soon, maybe, eventually.
The mop leaned against the couch and seemed to stare at the teen as a goofy smile found its way onto his face. He continued with mopping until a familiar voice rung through the house.
"I throw my bag onto the couch sometimes sayin' AAYOOOO 'Where is my Kid-do?'" Rich hummed looking for Kidman.
"I throw my clothes onto the floor sometimes sayin' AAAAYOOOOO 'Where'd my floor go?'" Kidman responded, both alerting Rich of his location and of the task at hand. They spread the work out, Kidman's mother giving Rich a few jobs to do aswell. They cleaned the floor, they did the laundry, they dusted the downstairs, they even found time to shampoo the carpet. Both exhausted they fell on the couch and started watching TV. Kidman glanced at the clock. 3:07. He laughed, "I've only been up for three hours." It was directed at no one in particular, but he got a response.
"That's crazy, you're crazy. You're going to die from too much sleep." Rich shoved Kidman's head to the side, a light shove, but it emphasized the point. Kidman just yawned and started to drift off to sleep.
"And, dude, where were you at school today?" Rich's words caused a burst of adrenaline through Kidman. There wasn't school today, it was a Saturday. Words were exchanged. Words like 'Monday' and 'not a workday' and 'you're special'. Kidman had never missed a day of school in his life, his perfect attendance would be ruined, all his Gold day classes would have missed work, nothing would ever be the same. As he was having a mini panic attack, Rich started laughing. 
"Bro! This isn't a time for laughter and merriment! My whole life is ruined!" Kidman punched him in the arm, his cloying laughter continuing.
"It's just funny, since it's Monday, and yet nothing happened at school."
Kidman stared at him, "What on earth are you talking about?"
Rich smiled and asked a simple question, "What did you do last history class?"
"Take a midterm," he paused and stared at his soon-to-be-ex-friend, "there is something wrong with you." Kidman's fists started flying, only a few actually making contact. The larger boy just laughed. "I swear, one day, you're going to do something like this and you won't have ankles to walk on."
Rich tried to sustain his breathing and forced out, "Ouch, any reason for that? I mean, other than your intense case of the 'gullibles'?"
Kidman scowled, "I don't like being messed with. Especially on Mondays."

Tell me how much peanut butter and suck this is! :D

How not to do makeup

My mom made me and my friend leave the TV and play with makeup.
And so we did. 
And we filmed it.
I now present you with an eight episode saga of why I shouldn't be around people.
WARNING: There is about 5 instances of unsavory language. Just a warning

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Final destination 5 PART THE SEQUEL

What was I doing?
Deaths right.
Next dude is Isaac, he goes to a massage place and is saying things like "HI! I LIKE SEXY THINGS!!! HAPPY ENDING?" And the desk lady just stares at him and said "I have just the thing for you" and he's all like "SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX" and he's in the massage room, slightly naked, and this old lady walks in and starts CRACKING ALL HIS BONES. It makes the usual SNAP BROKEN ARM noise but it's just cracking.

I don't feel like spoiling things anymore.
Go watch it.
All you need to know is that if you don't watch the first 4 Final Destinations, you won't feel the intense nerd happy I had.
Airplanes to France, ~squee~

Thursday, January 26, 2012

What? An update schedule?? but no one loves you!

You're a butt, title. But actually, I realized that maybe trying to update everyday is stupid, so I'm going to give myself a little wiggle room and say once a week I'll update, most likely more, but just in case.

I'll finish that Final Destination thing eventually, I promise.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Why Final Destination 5 is a great movie (Spoilers be in your future) Part 1

The Final Destination series follows this same plot structure:
  • Characters are introduced and given a reason to be in a normal situation where a song plays and this song is IMPORTANT (not really, it's just a cue that someone is going to die soon)
  • Normal situation becomes a disaster and the important characters die in a certain order/are sitting in a certain order (pay attention: this is important)
  • Turns out it was all a vision! Last person to die in the vision ALL WAYS has the vision and shall be dubbed "Main Character." 
  • Main Character immediately FREAKS THE gently caress OUT and forces all important characters to avoid disaster
  • Sometimes Main Character is interrogated for terrorism/murder/"how did you know??"
  • Funeral Scene: Tends to be boring with a few dark jokes thrown in where VOICE OF REASON says "HEY! Death doesn't like to be cheated" and important characters respond with "kthxweirdo"
  • Movie cuts to least characterized important character in a normal situation, and then mini disaster happens and character dies
  • Characters start to die and by death count 3-4 Main Character realizes that important characters die in the SAME ORDER that they were sitting/had died in vision
    • Main Character either pieces this together with BRAIN POWER or with internet articles on previous movie disasters
  • Main Character tries to stop deaths but ends up failing and becomes more suspected of murder OR Main Character tries and succeeds at saving someone at the cost of another person (not part of main disaster)
    • May lead to "Some one dies in your place and you get whatever was left of their life"/"Your death is 'skipped' and death'll get back to you later"
  • When there's 2-3 important characters left, one might go crazy and try to murder people to get life, this ends badly.
  • 1-2 people left they decide "We should be safe now!" and decide to go on trip
  • They meet up 2 weeks- 6 months in the future and SURPRISE disaster, everyone is dead in the end

Now, why is this important? Because Final Destination 5 is different! Why? Because of many reasons! But first let me explain why it's different in a bad way
First of all, when you first start watching it, it seems like an old cheesy movie, like 90s gorefest. 
Second of all, unlike the past few movies there's no "There was a plane crash which was stopped by a kid, and a massive car crash where 8 people survived and died, and a rollercoaster where a bunch of people got off and died, and a racecar track where things died and people survived but died later" But that's all fine because it's justified later (in what may be the best twist in modern history.
That's all I can think of right now so let's go on to why this movie is AMAZING.
The deaths are really cool. I will now go through every. Single. Death. Why? Because I have nothing better to do. Except the vision, it's kinda boring (Seriously FD makers? The pole thing again? we've seen a guy take a TREE to the FACE, we'll need more then that to surprise us)
First person to die is this intern named Candice or something, she's a gymnast. First the A/C vent thing starts leaking onto the mat right where an open cord is laying and you start thinking "Electrocution, oh joy" but then the fan cover for the A/C vent starts jiggling and one screw lands right onto the balance beam. Also, the bar thingy is sqeaky, but I'll get back to that later. Candace starts on the balance beam and keeps jumping around the screw and you're thinking "She's going to land on that and fall and electrocute her face" but she never does. And she's called over to the bar thingy, after cleaning up the water on the cord. She's spinning around this bar and one nut keeps loosening and then BAM! The new lady on the balance beam lands right on the screw, screams and falls, pushing a bowl of powder over (which was only shown ONCE in this whole scene) and the fan blows right into Candace's face, and she let's go of the bar, lands on her face and proceeds to break every bone of her body (What I was saying about the cheesiness comes back here since it was a 8 foot fall, and her vertebrae were sticking out which is nearly impossible)

I'll finish this tomorrow, it's late.


I have a friend. She's related to another friend of mine, it's like a family of friends.
Anyway, we've decided to DOUBLE BLOG POST!!!
What does this mean???
I don't know, let's find out!

This font is Mohlie (Shut up, Jorge)
This font is Zetsa
So...I'm doing a post with "Mohlie"...yeah, hard to see through that. (For the record, I'm sick of these keyboards that have all the keys sticking out because it's harder to type...for example, it took me five minutes just to type the word "example").
I feel your pain, bro. School compoopers are stupid, and so are their keyboards. So, what do you wanna blog about?
Whatever comes to mind, I guess. I mean, I've got over a 100% average in math so far, and yet in Chemistry, I thought that 2+2=6. Makes perfect sense, right? WRONG.
Me: DAMMIT! This isn't your blog!!!
Keep your voices out of my blog! This is a place of sanity and tranquility...lolnope
But still, I don't need "Estmund" and "Roxos" and "Webfwofuiovgw" in here too.
I don't have a voice named "Webfwofuiovgw" or whatever the hell you just typed...let's hope no one like that gets in my head, though. So...wanna start blogging about British people?
OF COURSE!!! (Shut up, Jorge) I like how I know how to tell the difference between a type of recipe and a British slang for "toilet" LIKE A BAWWWWZZZZ
*is in no way familiar with British slang* OF COURSE! I AGREE COMPLETELY!!! :D I also like the stereotype that all British people are awesome because it's true.
I like how people like to think all British people wear monocles and tophats, but according to JORGE (partypooper) they don't. But they are awesome.
I thought British people wore bowler hats? Ah, well, to each his/her own hat. Umm...I like how British people have a mellifluous accent.
Mr. Bello: YO MOMMA -
Mr. Bello: Because I'm awe-
Get out of my blog and get back in the kitchen!
I can't believe it, but that actually worked... (No harm was intended for Mr. Bello. We apologize for any offense that was taken to our comments about him. Mr. Bello's cool, and we approve of his existence.)
Awwwww yeaaaaaaaaaah...but I like talking about British people...DUDE!!! DOCTOR WHOOVES!!! We got this.
*totally watches Dr. Who* I AM TOTALLY AWARE OF EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN THAT SHOW AND UNDERSTAND IT COMPLETELY! DALEKS ARE ROBOTS THAT SAY, "EXTERMINATE!" And the guy is a DOCTOR with a time-travelling telephone booth that doesn't really follow the laws of physics! :D I AM SO ON TOP OF THIS!
Police box* Yea, totally, sure, I believe you. So, did we have any other plan for this DOUBLE BLOG POST THING??? Or should we save our creative juices for your blog post???
Chui: You didn't-
It's not me doing this!! My mind is a separate entity from me!

Kay. Do you wanna see the other half of this? COURSE YOU DO!!! Go on Zetsa's blog at http://mindburrow.blogspot.com/ because I said so!
It'll be atleast 20% crazier over there with all her voices, I'll probably come back a changed man/woman/unicorn.

New development! Zetsa says I have to end every blog post with "Shut up, Jorge"
So, Shut up, Jorge